Title | Areas | Location |
New bridge over the Senne - Tubize | Infrastructures and networks | Tubize |
Drinking water treatment plant of Navrongo | Infrastructures and networks | Navrongo |
Cycle road along the R22 | Soft mobility (pedestrian structures, bicycle paths) | Kraainem |
Swimming Pool of la Dodaine | Swimming pools | Nivelles |
BIOSOL - WANZE | Wanze |
Power Generation Plant 870 MW Gas-Steam turbine | Industry & Logistics | Manage |
Brussels South Charleroi Airport (BSCA) | Airports | Charleroi |
Diest Station | Railways, stations and airports | Diest |
Police Station of Lubbeek | Justice, Police & Security | Lubbeek |
Fri-Pharma | Industry & Logistics | Parc Créalys in Gembloux |
VIRIDAXIS | Industry & Logistics | Gosselies |
Erasmus Gardens | Residential | Brussels |
Confluence Parking | Mobility and Transport, Parking | Namur |
King Albert II Institute (IRA2) | Health Care | Woluwe-Saint-Lambert |
Parking P3 - Brussels Airport | Parking | Zaventem |
Metro North - Brussels | Mobility and Transport | Brussels |
Brabo II | Specific structures, Railways and stations, Urban public transport (Bus Rapid Transit, bus, metro, tramway) | Antwerp |
Niamey drinking water treatment plant | Infrastructures and networks | Niamey |
MONTEA MAINFREIGHT | Industry & Logistics | Genk |
Fly-In | Sports facilities | Grâce-Hollogne |
School Paradis des Enfants | Education | Etterbeek |
Municipal School Les Lilas | Education | Berchem-Sainte-Agathe (Brussels) |
AVIETA | Industry & Logistics | Vinalmont |
Police Station of Molenbeek-Saint-Jean | Justice, Police & Security | Molenbeek-Saint-Jean (Brussels) |
Paradis Express | Offices, Hotel and leisure facilities, Residential | Liège |
National bank of Belgium | Logistics | Zellik (Asse) |
NHOW Brussels Bloom | Hotel and leisure facilities | Brussels |
Jodoigne Bypass | Roads | Jodoigne |
Brussels South Charleroi Airport | Airports | Gosselies (Charleroi) |
Les Deux Ecluses | Retail and office, Residential | rue de la Rouge Croix |
Bank BNP Paribas Fortis HQ | Offices | Brussels |
ING Bank | Offices | Louvain-la-Neuve |
Tournai Xpo | Cultural complexes | Tournai |
The Goujons | Residential, Health Care | Anderlecht |
Old Delwart Cement Plant | Residential, Health Care | Saint-Maur (Tournai) |
Westland Shopping Center | Retail and office | 1070 Anderlecht |
House of European History | Cultural complexes | 1000 Brussels |
Mons Multimodal Station | Building and construction, Railways and stations | Mons |
Jules Bordet Institute | Building and construction, Health Care | Anderlecht |
Cortenbergh 150 – 158 | Offices, Building and construction | 1000 Brussels |
Etterbeek Administrative Center | Building and construction, Offices, Residential | 1040 Etterbeek |
RAC 2 | Offices | Bruxelles |
Logements collectifs de la Nouvelle Cité | Residential | Bruxelles (Forest) |
Centre Commercial DOCKS BRUXSEL | Retail and office, Hotel and leisure facilities | Bruxelles |
Palais de Justice de Liège | Offices, Justice, Police & Security | Liège |
Centre de stockage automatisé CAMPINA | Industry & Logistics, Logistics | Aalter |
"Entrepôt 2" de RESUMA | Industry & Logistics, Logistics | Windhof |
Unité de production de produits de boulangerie Vamix / Vandemoortele Bakery Products à Eeklo | Industry & Logistics, Logistics | Eeklo |
Parking Front Park 1 | Parking | Zaventem |
RAC 4 | Retail and office, Residential | Bruxelles |
Nouvelle tour de contrôle avec infrastructures administratives (ATC) | Railways, stations and airports | Peer |
Ligne RER n° 161 | Railways | Rixensart |
Rénovation de la Zone Commerciale et Zone Douane à l'Aéroport de Charleroi | Offices, Retail and office, Railways, stations and airports | Charleroi |
Centre de tri postal P&T Luxembourgeoises | Industry & Logistics, Logistics | Bettembourg |
Unité de production de produits boulangers BAKER & BAKER (MOLCO) | Industry & Logistics | Aartselaar |
Projet Faines | Residential | Neder-Over-Hembeek |
Résidence "Vallée du Hoyoux" | Health Care | Huy |
Centre Culturel Bruegel | Cultural complexes | Bruxelles |
Imprimerie | Residential | Luxembourg |
Divers aménagement et extensions à l'unité de production de sauces COLONA | Industry & Logistics, Logistics | Waremme |
Unité de production CATERMAN | Industry & Logistics, Logistics | Mamer-Koerich |
Unités de production de plats préparés et de tranchage pour Groupe Ter Beke à Veurne, Wommelgem, Marche et Wanze | Industry & Logistics, Logistics | Veurne,Wommelgem, Wanze, Marche |
Maison du Samu Social | Residential, Health Care | Bruxelles |
Projet rue Sans Souci - Ixelles | Residential | Bruxelles |
Centre Commercial Les Bastions à Tournai | Retail and office | Tournai |
Port Du Bon Dieu | Offices | Namur |
Metro - Montea Forest | Retail and office, Industry & Logistics | Forest/Vorst |
Plateforme logistique Cross-docking RESUMA | Industry & Logistics, Logistics | Capellen |
Unité de traitement de viande et de production de charcuterie DETRY | Industry & Logistics, Logistics | Aubel |
Parking Vestingstraat | Parking | Anvers |
Complexe de 136 logements sociaux | Residential | Bruxelles (Schaerbeek) |
Tour de contrôle Aéroport Liège-Bierset | Railways, stations and airports | Bierset |
Ligne 3 Nord-Albert | Urban public transport (Bus Rapid Transit, bus, metro, tramway) | Bruxelles |
Nouvelle plate-forme logistique et unité de stockage CdS à Forest | Industry & Logistics, Logistics | Foret/Vorst |
Unité d'embouteillage BRU 2000 | Industry & Logistics, Logistics | Stoumont (Lorcé) |
Projet Trèfles | Residential | Bruxelles (Anderlecht) |
Projet Liège Bavière | Sports facilities, Justice, Police & Security, Residential | Liège |
Bibliothèque Bruegel | Cultural complexes | Bruxelles |
La Houlette | Offices, Residential | Auderghem |
Unité de production de gaufres AVIETA | Industry & Logistics, Logistics | Vinalmont |
Unité de liquéfaction du dioxyide de carbone et de bioéthanol BIOWANZE à Wanze | Industry & Logistics | Wanze |
Boulangerie industrielle Teugels | Industry & Logistics | Kontich |
Immeuble Wilfried Martens à Bruxelles | Offices | Bruxelles |
Au fil des Grands Mons | Residential | Mons |
Crèche Cérès de Schaerbeek | Education | Bruxelles (Schaerbeek) |
Home Van Hellemont | Health Care | Anderlecht |
Moutarderie et musée Bister | Cultural complexes, Industry & Logistics | Achène |
Unité de traitement de pommes de terre et de frites LUTOSA | Industry & Logistics, Logistics | Leuze-en-Hainaut |
Extension Guylian Chocolaterie | Industry & Logistics | Sint-Nilklaas |
Projet CCN - Bruxelles | Offices, Retail and office, Residential | Bruxelles |
Complexe de 301 logements sociaux | Residential | Bruxelles (Laeken) |
Trèves 31-35 | Offices | Bruxelles |
Intradel | Industry & Logistics | Herstal |
Unité industrielle " Fine Food Meat2 " | Industry & Logistics, Logistics | Halle |
Centrale électrique de type TGV ENECO | Industry & Logistics | Manage |
Nouvelles facilités de stockage et transformation de la ligne de mise en fûts BROUWERIJ HAACHT | Industry & Logistics, Logistics | Boortmeerbeek |
Pole de Loisir - Westland Shopping Center | Hotel and leisure facilities | Bruxelles (Anderlecht) |
Site des Casernes de Namur | Cultural complexes, Residential | Namur |
Nouvelle tour de contrôle Bruxelles National | Offices, Railways, stations and airports | Zaventem |
Les Jardins du Kisendael | Offices, Retail and office, Residential | Ucce |
Nhow Hotel Brussels | Hotel and leisure facilities | Bruxelles/Brussel |
Unité de liquéfaction et de stockage de gaz SOL et son extension à Feluy | Industry & Logistics | Feluy |
Nouveau commissariat de police à Moustier | Justice, Police & Security | Moustier-sur-Sambre |
Construction de 2 immeubles de bureaux sur le site des Grands Prés à Mons. | Offices | Mons |
Projet rue d'Aarschot à Bruxelles | Hotel and leisure facilities, Residential, Parking | Bruxelles |
Maison de l'accueil et de l'Enfance | Education | Bruxelles (Schaerbeek) |
Assainissement du Verrewinkelbeek | Infrastructures and networks | Région de Bruxelles |
Métro Botanique | Urban public transport (Bus Rapid Transit, bus, metro, tramway) | Bruxelles |
Unité de traitement de fruits MATERNE-CONFILUX | Industry & Logistics, Logistics | Floreffe |
Stockage de produits pharmaceutiques FRI-AGRA | Industry & Logistics, Logistics | Molenbeek-St-Jean |
Projet Matisse - Evere | Offices, Retail and office, Residential | Bruxelles |
Site de l'ancienne sucrerie à Ath | Residential | Ath |
Centre de compétence Construform | Education | Grace Hollogne |
Connection | Offices, Retail and office, Hotel and leisure facilities | Luxembourg Hamm |
FLY-IN, le simulateur de chute libre de Liège | Hotel and leisure facilities | Grâce-Hollogne |
Atelier de conditionnement de crème CORMAN | Industry & Logistics | Goe, Limbourg |
Centrale électrique TGV pour Nest Energie/EDF | Industry & Logistics | Evergem (Gand) |
Projet Colonel Bourg 133 - Evere | Retail and office, Residential | Bruxelles (Evere) |
Projet Universalis Park | Residential | Bruxelles (Ixelles) |
Nouvelle tour de contrôle Bruxelles National | Offices, Railways, stations and airports | Zaventem |
Nouvelle unité de production de produits de boulangerie et pâtes feuilletées FRIANDA | Industry & Logistics, Logistics | Herstal |
Nouveau four CHEMVIRON CARBON | Industry & Logistics | Feluy |
Nouvelle unité de fabrication de macarons M&A Macarons | Industry & Logistics | Battice |
Projet "Les Brasseries de Neudorf" | Residential | Neudorf |
Ferme d'Antour - Centre d'accueil spécialisé | Residential, Health Care | Ramegnies-Chin |
Rénovation zone commerciale Aéroport Charleroi | Retail and office, Railways, stations and airports | Charleroi |
Sonora | Offices | Luxembourg |
Nouvelle unité de production de bio-polymères KITOZYME | Industry & Logistics, Logistics | Herstal |
Nouvelles installations d'embouteillage et nouvelle siroperie pour BROUWERIJ HAACHT | Industry & Logistics | Boortmeerbeek |
Cité Administrative | Offices, Justice, Police & Security, Residential | Bruxelles |
Site de l'ancienne sucrerie à Ath | Residential | Ath |
WIKIFIN Lab - Centre d'éducation financière | Cultural complexes | Bruxelles |
HEXOS | Offices | Luxembourg Hamm |
Complexe d'entreposage frigorifique FRI-PHARMA | Industry & Logistics, Logistics | Gembloux |
Sécurisation du site de l'Aéroport de Charlerloi | Railways and stations, Justice, Police & Security, Roads | Charleroi |
Unité de pâtisserie Vandemoortele Bakery Products à Seneffe | Industry & Logistics | Seneffe |
Spa Monopole | Industry & Logistics | Spa |
Projet Ernest Park Bruxelles | Residential | Bruxelles (Ixelles) |
South City Office et Hotel | Offices, Hotel and leisure facilities | Bruxelles |
Tunnel ferroviaire Schum-Josaphat | Railways | Bruxelles |
Nouveau cross-dock hal et bureaux Mainfreight à Genk | Industry & Logistics, Logistics | Genk |
Unité de production et de stockage de frites fraiches VAN COLEN | Industry & Logistics, Logistics | Geer (Liège) |
Home Shope Center Delhaize | Industry & Logistics, Logistics | Forest/Vorst + Drogenbos |
Projet de logements Rixensart | Residential | Rixensart |
Maison de repos et de soins "Les Tilleurs" | Health Care | Bruxelles (Saint Gilles) |
Château de Jehay | Hotel and leisure facilities | Amay |
Serenity | Offices, Residential | Auderghem |
Centre logistique KBC-CBC, Campus Mechelen | Industry & Logistics, Logistics | Mechelen |
GlaxoSmithkline Biologicals - Projet Rx207 Nouveau Power Plant | Industry & Logistics | Rixensart |